Noise hoods gallery

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 (taken from Center of environmental hygiene of State Health Institute Prague)

Noise is every unwanted sound that is disturbing or troublesome or that affects adversely human health. Negative effects of noise on human health are partly specific ones, presented by disorders of the function of acoustic analyzer, partly non-specific ones (extra hearing), when functions of various systems of the organism are affected. These non-specific system effects appear almost in the whole range of noise intensities, frequently they are accompanied by stress reaction and impact on neurohumoral a neurovegetative regulation, biochemical reactions, sleep, higher nervous functions, such as learning and memory, impact on sensory motoric functions and coordination.


RNDr. B. Madejewski,CSc., Ing. V. Kotrba, CSc.

The article describes the design, calculation and test results noise attenuation of the noise hood for large industrial compressors driven by electric motors. Predicted noise attenuation (software UTLUM) has been validated by practical measurements at the customer¢s place.
